South London Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme: Quality Improvement series

The South London Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme: Quality Improvement (QI) series is currently being delivered at the HIN.

The programme aims to deliver a learning programme to build practical QI skills, confidence and cross-unit connections in local frontline clinical and managerial maternity and neonatal staff. The series supports improvements in care, safety and outcomes for women and babies locally, as well as supporting our units to be more adaptable and improvement ready.

Participating multi-disciplinary teams are currently being supported through an improvement cycle delivered across five virtual workshops. Additional coaching support from the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeoSIP) team is also being administered across the 12-month programme.

Who's it for?

Frontline clinical and managerial staff in maternity and neonatal care across South London

  • Patient safety midwives/neonatal nurses and doctors
  • Triage midwives
  • Day Assessment midwives
  • Digital midwives
  • Preterm birth champions
  • Night leads
  • Obstetric trainees and consultants

    Details about the series

    Our training and tailored support for each individual service will allow teams to bring their own unique current understanding of their service and suggestions for areas to improve maximising opportunities to optimise and stabilise the outcomes of the preterm infant through the seven interventions listed below:

    • Ensure all babies are born in appropriate care setting for gestation (place of birth) singleton <27+0 weeks gestation or <800g, or all multiples <28+0 weeks gestation
    • Ensure magnesium sulphate is offered to women where preterm birth is imminent or planned <30+0 weeks gestation
    • Ensure intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis is offered to women in established preterm labour between 24+0 weeks and 33+6 weeks gestation
    • Ensure antenatal corticosteroids are offered to women in threatened preterm labour <34+0 weeks gestation
    • Ensure optimal cord management is received by all babies <34+0 weeks gestation
    • Ensure optimal normothermic range (between 36.5-37.5 degrees Celsius) for all babies <32+0 weeks gestation
    • Ensure maternal breast milk is received with 24 hours of birth by all babies <34+0 weeks gestation

    Image: The optimisation and stabilisation of the perinatal journey, specifically from antenatal optimisation onwards

    Quality Improvement Series: Resources

    To make the most out of this QI series, participants should aim to commit to all 5 of the workshops listed below. You can now view past recordings, sign up to new events and access resources from the MatNeoSIP QI series so far.

    We're here to help

    For more information about the MatNeoSIP QI series, please get in touch.

    Contact us

    Aim: introduce the basics to Quality Improvement

    Session recording: Introduction to QI

    MatNeoSIP QI Workshop 1 slides

    Aim: to provide a safe environment for the teams to step back, look at the service in detail and identify areas for improvement

    Session recording: Understanding the present state

    MatNeoSIP QI Workshop 2 slides
