Reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors in people with serious mental illness

Experiences of people living with serious mental illness who are at risk of cardiovascular disease in south west London

This project, delivered in partnership with South West London & St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, aims to improve the identification and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors for people with (SMI) in south west London.

It is increasingly well-known that the life expectancy of people living with severe mental illness in the UK is 15-20 years lower than the general population, and cardiovascular disease contributes significantly to this inequality. The reasons for this mortality gap are complex and involve multiple agencies within the health system.

This project takes a system-wide approach, engaging stakeholders across the spectrum of primary care, mental health services, acute hospitals and third-sector organisations, as well as service users and carers.

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If you have any questions or would like more information about this project. Please contact us.

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Key achievements

  • The Health Innovation Network (HIN) engaged with 8 people in a focus group setting in November 2019
  • This focus group explored the experience of eight people – seven with SMI and one carer – regarding support for reducing CVD risk and their views of how services could be improve
