London Innovation Collaborative care home evaluation

As part of a commissioned programme of work through the London Digital First Programme, an evaluation of the London regional scale of remote monitoring in care homes will be delivered by the Health Innovation Network.

Project overview

In partnership with the seven regions of NHS England, NHSX has established the National Innovation Collaborative to

  • Build on the digital health gains achieved during the pandemic,
  • Accelerate the scale of those digital innovations that enable a redesigned outpatient and remote care service, and
  • Help save staff time

Many areas of London have deployed remote monitoring technologies within certain areas of their localities, and the five individual ICS across London have committed to work collaboratively to support the increased use of remote monitoring across various pathways under the London regional Innovation Collaborative.

Additional resources:

The evaluation is due to be published in April 2022. We are delighted to share the interim report that summarises the baseline survey of care home staff to understand their experience, confidence and thoughts on remote monitoring solutions, and the usage of the solutions to date using supplier data.

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