gammaCore for cluster headache pain

GammaCore is a simple-to-use, handheld medical device that enables patients to self-administer discrete doses of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) therapy to the neck.

Project overview

Cluster headache is a series of extremely painful headaches that has been described by patients and physicians as one of the most painful conditions known to man, leading to the condition being referred to as the suicide headache. GammaCore is currently being utilised in the NHS as a safe, effective, and convenient treatment option for cluster headache.

In south London we are working with our three core neurology centres and have seen devices distributed to over 100 patients. Each device requires a new card every 93 days, a very simple process for patients .

GammaCore is supported through NHS England’s new MedTech Funding Mandate in April 2021.

We're here to help

Please get in touch at for further information regarding the clinical, financial and patient benefits of GammaCore and for details regarding adopting the product in your organisation via the MTFM.

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